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This is my single son Brian.
Does your mom do this alot?
It's complicated.
You want to see my ***?
I figured that was it.
Did you two have a nice chat?
Yes. There's at least one thing we both like.
That's nice!
They are getting married for sure!
Why are all the cute ones gay?
She thinks he's...! | I heard!
Well he does dress awefull nice.
And all those pictures of Michael Angelo's|David all over the shower curtains!
Maybe I shouldn't have let|him join the cub scouts.
All those boys alone in the woods,|anything can happen!
Here at Gay-Be-Gone we can|knock the gay right out of them.
With Christ's love and Mercy, of course.
My son is a good person.|He deserves to be happy!
I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would|be thrilled to marry a man like Brian!
But Mae, we don't know any gay men!
Not yet!
Hi! I have a delivery for Mae Davis.
Where did you meet your boyfriend?
You know. The Internet.
Are there a lot of homosexual|men at the Internet?
I don't think this is a good idea.
We are not going anywhere until|we find someone for Brian!
I don't know how gay men meet each other|if they won't even smile!
Oh my God!
What do we have here?
I know karate!
If I can face down the|Daughters of the Confederacy
I can certainly win over a|couple of stuffy homosexuals!
Mom! What are you doing?
I want you to be happy!
Laugh out loud, thrilled to be alive
Smiling all the time happy.
And if this world won't give|you the things you want
A family
Then I am going to change the world.
Because I will not let it change you!
We're supposed to be finding a|husband for Brian, not...
Look at his heiny!